Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base

Our Knowledge Base is your one-stop-shop for information about MeaVitae, how to use the platform and how we can simplify your life. Articles are categorised to make them easy to find, you can search to find answers on a specific topic plus each article is tagged allowing you to find articles on similar topics with ease.


The database is kept up to date with the latest information on the law and finance around legacy and inheritance ensuring you have instant access to reliable and trustworthy facts.

The MeaVitae Knowledge Base is your first port of call for all your questions when trying to decipher the jargon associated with wills, inheritance and your legacy.

Bust the jargon

Get answers to common questions about legacy law, inheritance and legal jargon.

How do I do that..?

Get instant suppport on how to use the platform all just a click away.

Peace of mind

Let the Knowledge Base guide you to think about how you can manage your life and achieve peace of mind.