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Secure & Manage Your Digital Assets: Introducing a Key-Based Life Management Platform.

Written by Itziar

Did you know that the average internet user generates a whopping 146,880 MB of data daily, equivalent to approximately 52,354 GB annually?

In this digital era, we all accumulate vast amounts of data, from social media updates and online transactions to WhatsApp conversations. These digital assets form our digital legacy, and organising and controlling them is crucial. Organising your digital legacy without a secure platform is like building a house without a solid foundation.

Meavitae focuses on more than just what comes after life. We aim to help you lead a well-organised life so that you don't have to worry about your digital legacy. With our key-based life management platform, you can take control of your digital assets and ensure a seamless transition of crucial data, both now and in the future.

Meavitae provides a centralised location and a unique key to arrange and manage all your digital data. With this platform, you can ensure that your online presence is protected and accessible to your loved ones, fostering peace of mind throughout your life.

A list of features you can find within the platform:

  • Account Management: Easily manage your online accounts, including social media platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Safely store your account credentials, enabling your loved ones to access them when needed.
  • Asset Management: Keep your precious digital data, such as photographs, videos, and essential documents, securely. Rest assured that your digital assets are safe and easily accessible to your dear ones whenever necessary.
  • Digital Will: Meavitae's key-based life management platform allows you to utilise a digital will feature, enabling you to assign specific individuals to access your digital assets. Additionally, you can specify how you want your data to be handled in the future, empowering you to maintain control over your digital legacy.
  • Legacy Planning: Another invaluable feature offered by the life platform is the ability to plan your legacy. Create an after-death video or schedule a letter with a heartfelt message or any other content you wish to share with your loved ones. However, our focus is not solely on the afterlife; it is about living a well-organised life.
  • AI Letter Writer: Save time and effort with Meavitae's AI Letter Writer tool, which allows you to create letters for clients, family, friends, and more within minutes, ensuring efficient communication in your present life.

Data Security: Overcoming challenges

Data security is a significant concern when utilising a life management platform to maintain your digital legacy. It is crucial to ensure your data remains safe and protected from breaches. At Meavitae, user security is our top priority. We have implemented robust encryption and security measures to mitigate the risk of unauthorised access to your data. Our platform can only be accessed with a physical device (security key) and a PIN, providing an impenetrable system to which only you have access.

Unlock the benefits of a key-based life management platform

A key-based life management platform holds immense value for individuals seeking to organise their digital possessions and ensure a seamless transfer of crucial data to their loved ones in the future. While there may be specific challenges to overcome, the advantages of such a platform make the effort worthwhile.

Discover the power of Meavitae today and take control of your digital legacy and present life like never before. Join us at

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